A message from Mike Moss
The birth of something new can be a beautiful and exciting experience but it's not without its challenges.
It's been a few years since the release of my debut album Cold World Plastic Dream, and following a successful tour in 2012/2013, I decided to take some time out so I could focus on my songwriting, and my new family.
My approach for these new songs has been quite simple; 'be yourself and be original'. Easy enough, right? Well, the trick is to record every idea that comes to mind, no matter how wild, weird, colourful, or extreme. Sure, it's time consuming and it's certainly taken some courage to stick with it but I'm glad I've persevered as it's taken me down roads I would never have explored before.
To push the creative process of my songwriting even further, I've spent the last couple of years travelling to and from America to work with other musicians and producers. I've also enlisted the expertise of my friend, musical mentor, and classical composer Naomi Shead to assist me further in the collaborative process and ensure I'm capturing the best of myself in these new songs. Hopefully the results will speak for themselves.
A new website has been on my list of things to look at too. The old one served me and the band well and got us started but it wasn't without its faults and was too restrictive and time consuming to maintain. So a new shiny one has been built to take its place and I'm very proud of it. As you can imagine, it's going to take some time to re-populate it with all the old material, news and reviews, so please bear with me. Having said that, this new website is much more user friendly and a lot easier to keep you updated, engaged and entertained.
And finally, as you can see from the picture, I've also become a proud father for the very first time with the arrival of my little boy, Cooper. Mind bending, emotional, scary, tiring but totally amazing!
I think it's fair to say it's not really been a walk in the park but I'm super grateful for your continued support and friendship. I promise it'll be worth it and I'll keep you updated on the new material which I'm hoping to release sometime next year.
- Mike